The Elements and Meaning of the Archery in Yug-ye (six arts) 육예(六藝) 중 사(射)의 구성요소와 의미
56(3) 1-11, 2017
The Elements and Meaning of the Archery in Yug-ye (six arts) 육예(六藝) 중 사(射)의 구성요소와 의미
The Six Arts(六藝) generally form only six words which are etiquette(禮), music(樂), archery(射), horsemanship(御), calligraphy(書) and mathematics(數). It is not well known that these words have several meanings. In the study, I searched what each element of the archery in Yug-ye means. The Archery(射) has the Osa(五射) meanings. The Osa(五射) has five provisions which are Baeksi(白矢), Samryeon(參連), Yeomju(剡注), Yangcheok(襄尺), and Jeongui (井儀). In previous research, there were some misstatements with Samryeon(參連) and Yeomju(剡注). The Samryeon (參連) was wrongly pronounced as a “Chamryeon” and the “Yeomju(剡注)” as a “Seomju”. The Osa(五射) should have not only arrow hitting the target but also the arrow hitting the target efficiently for penetration(Baeksi), quick and consecutive shots(參連), fast and accurate loading(剡注) and matching exactly to the four corners of the target (井儀). Also, the etiquette(禮) meant modesty(謙讓) as a virtue(襄尺). As you can see, The Osa(五射) had meanings with warriors and etiquettes.
Key Words
사, 射, 육예, 六藝, Archery, Yug-ye, Six arts, Correct meaning
An Oral History Study of Korean Baseball through Kim Eung-Ryong’s Life 한국야구를 통해서 본 김응용 구술사 연구
곽낙현KwakNak-hyun , 윤대중YunDae-jung
56(3) 13-27, 2017
An Oral History Study of Korean Baseball through Kim Eung-Ryong’s Life 한국야구를 통해서 본 김응용 구술사 연구
곽낙현KwakNak-hyun , 윤대중YunDae-jung
The objective of this study is to examine the change of life and thinking about Korean baseball through Kim Eung-Ryong's life, and the conclusion is like below. First, Kim Eung-Ryong was the driving force behind the first victory of Asian Baseball Championship as a member of the national team when he was an amateur baseball player. When he was a professional baseball coach, he set the total ten-victory record in Korean series at Haitai Tigers and Samsung Lions. For the first time, Kim Eung-Ryong served as CEO of Samsung Lions, and currently in 2017, he is working as a sports administrator after being elected as the president of Korea Baseball Softball Association. Second, Kim Eung-Ryong emphasized that there could be satisfactory results only when players and coach become unified based on belief and trust. Third, forecasting baseball can get great results only when efforts for baseball are continued based on high concentration and continuous thinking of baseball. Fourth, grassroots baseball should be actively promoted as measures to develop Korean baseball. Excellent players should be secured by seeking for measures to vitalize/support baseball teams of elementary/middle/high school and university. Fifth, Kim Eung-Ryong laid a cornerstone of the development of Korean baseball through changes in diverse occupations like player, coach, CEO, and sports administrator.
Key Words
올림픽, 김응용, 해태타이거즈, 삼성라이온즈, 야구, 코치, 구술사, Olympic, Kim Eung-Ryong, Haitai Tigers, Samsung Lions, Baseball, Player, Coach, Oral History
On Remembering Sport History 스포츠를 기억하는 방식에 대하여 - 최윤칠과 함기용의 구술을 중심으로
56(3) 29-36, 2017
On Remembering Sport History 스포츠를 기억하는 방식에 대하여 - 최윤칠과 함기용의 구술을 중심으로
The purpose of current study was to describe the diverse ways of remembering sport history from the perspective of story collector, and provide a profound reflection on this matter with an example of colliding memories between the witnesses. Data was collected via ‘Sport Hero Oral History Project.’ Specifically three face-to-face interviews were conducted with two of the 1950 Boston Marathon winners, Ham, Giyong and Choi, Yoonchi, respectively. All interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim for further analysis. Sport memories were restored based on the remarks of two witnesses. At the same time, several collisions of memory were evident. The most striking difference was the moment that Ham outran Choi. Instead of filling the gap by pinpointing the false statement, the author completed the story based on the each witness. The memories that the witnesses are providing are essentially fading and they are evolving from the realm of truth into the realm of myth.
Key Words
구술사, 스포츠 역사, 마라톤, Oral history, sport memories, marathoner
A Study on the Application of Sport History Method and Faction -Focus On Sport Faction < The Last National Team > 체육사의 스토리텔링 적용방식과 팩션 연구 - 스포츠 팩션 <마지막 국가대표>를 중심으로 -
56(3) 37-46, 2017
A Study on the Application of Sport History Method and Faction -Focus On Sport Faction < The Last National Team > 체육사의 스토리텔링 적용방식과 팩션 연구 - 스포츠 팩션 <마지막 국가대표>를 중심으로 -
The study looked at the relationship between history and storytelling and suggested the method of storytelling. Then the researcher analyzed the fiction and facts presented in the sports faction of the last national team. First, storytelling has traditionally existed in historical discourse in history, and it constitutes a historic event in the past with literary and fictional devices. Second, sport history storytelling can be used in various ways, and faction can be a fictional historical material. Third, The Last National Team is the talk of the baseball team, which was set up by the baseball team in 1982. Although simple adaptations of fiction have been made into plots, they have implemented sport history facts in storytelling. Also, as an example of sport history storytelling, it could actually be applied to other areas.
Key Words
스토리텔링, 스포츠 팩션, 스포츠 역사, 마지막 국가대표, Storytelling, Sport Faction, Sport History, The Last National Team
Aristotle's thought of Physical Education(15) : The Responsibility of Doping by Ignorance 아리스토텔레스의 체육사상(15) : 무지에 의한 도핑책임론
56(3) 47-56, 2017
Aristotle's thought of Physical Education(15) : The Responsibility of Doping by Ignorance 아리스토텔레스의 체육사상(15) : 무지에 의한 도핑책임론
I analyzed the responsibility of doping caused by ignorance based on Aristotle's theory in 『Nichomachean Ethics』. Here, the proposition that doping is unethical behavior in sports is related to one's intention. Doping by ignorance is not intentional and voluntary. But, it's an obvious illegal and criminal action in sport. According to Aristotle's theory, the ignorance committed in one's responsibility made a ground for punishment. Also men are punished for offences committed through ignorance of some provision of the law which they ought to have known, and so in other case where ignorance is held to be to negligence. This is shown by the way in which the responsibility of doping by ignorance because the cause of the action is in athletes themselves. It may be expected that doping by ignorance without intention expresses less criticism than the willful action to do doping. Doping caused by ignorance, nevertheless, is not related to intention but it is still no defense. Regardless of whether there is any intention or not, it is strongly prohibited under anti-doping policy. Athletes have to be responsible for what goes into their bodies. It requires reframing of the justification of anti-doping policy.
The Relationships between Physical Activity Participation, Exercise Identity, and Mental Health among University Students 대학생의 신체활동과 운동 정체성 및 정신건강과의 관계
김민준KimMin-jun , 유정인YooJung-in
56(3) 57-68, 2017
The Relationships between Physical Activity Participation, Exercise Identity, and Mental Health among University Students 대학생의 신체활동과 운동 정체성 및 정신건강과의 관계
김민준KimMin-jun , 유정인YooJung-in
The purpose of this study were to investigate the mediating effect of exercise identity in the relationship between physical activity participation and general mental health, and to test the invariance of the hypothesized research model across gender. Subjects were 441 university students (136 females, 305 males) and responded to a set of questionnaires measuring physical activity, exercise identity, and mental health. Data were descriptive statistics, correlation, one-way MANOVA, structural equation, modeling, and multi-group analysis. The results of structural equation modeling show that university students’ exercise identity partially mediated the relationship between the intensity of physical activity and mental health. Also, the results of multi-group analysis indicated that the effect of physical activity on mental health via exercise identity was variant across gender. These findings imply that participation in moderated and vigorous physical activity directly enhanced to university students; mental health, but also contribute to maintain it by facilitating their exercise identity.
Key Words
신체활동, 운동정체성, 정신건강, physical activity, athletic identity, mental health, university students
Intergenerational Communication of the Elderly Sport Club Participants According to the Lifeworld and System 스포츠클럽 참여 노인의 생활세계와 체계에 따른 세대 간 의사소통
권구명KwonGoo-myeung , 이종영LeeJong-young
56(3) 69-85, 2017
Intergenerational Communication of the Elderly Sport Club Participants According to the Lifeworld and System 스포츠클럽 참여 노인의 생활세계와 체계에 따른 세대 간 의사소통
권구명KwonGoo-myeung , 이종영LeeJong-young
The purpose of this study is to investigate types of the communication gap between the elderly and younger generations of sport participants and an inefficient participation of the elderly generation in sport club by a lack of communication with the younger generations. The selected participants were those who have taken part in tennis, badminton, and table tennis over 10 years. A total of 12 participants were selected from each sport event. The participants in each sport event consist of two males and females. The data was collected through non-participant observation, in-depth interview, and related documents from May to September 2016. Collected data was analyzed through qualitative analysis. The results of this study are as follows. First, the elderly participants’ life style and communication with the younger generations in sport clubs explains culture, society and personality which is the structural factors of lifestyle according to communication action theory by Habermas. Second, according to communication action theory of Habermas, the structure of the elderly participants in sports club and communication gap with the younger generations is explained by money such as economic structure and authority such as administrative structure.
Key Words
노인, 스포츠클럽, 의사소통행위, elderly, sport club, communication action theory
The Exploratory Study on Characteristics of Leisure Sports Participation of Single Person Households 1인 가구의 여가스포츠 참여 특성에 관한 탐색적 연구
56(3) 87-98, 2017
The Exploratory Study on Characteristics of Leisure Sports Participation of Single Person Households 1인 가구의 여가스포츠 참여 특성에 관한 탐색적 연구
The purpose of this study was to explore and analyze the subjective factors related to leisure sports participation characteristics of single-person households living in the city. For this study, 12 single person households participating leisure sports were selected and qualitative research was conducted on them. Data were collected through in-depth interview. As a result, compared to general single person households, the discriminating characteristics of leisure sport participants were largely consistency maintenance, high activeness, open attitude, diversity of participation motive, and non-aggressive or limitation of the relationship. More specifically, first, participants in a leisure activity of single person households were trying to make the most continuous activities in their living environment. Secondly, participants tended to be more active in acquiring knowledge and skills in sports. Third, there was an open attitude in performing leisure sports activities, and also there were cases in which they were actively pursuing fashion beyond an open attitude. Fourth, participants tended to focus on other social and emotional benefits as well as general use such as health promotion and retention, and leisure time use. Finally, in terms of the necessity and the degree of relationship between participants, they neglected the necessity and limited by the extent to which continued to participate in sports or helped to increase the effectiveness of sports.
Key Words
여가스포츠, 1인 가구, 1인 가구 특성, 여가스포츠 참여, leisure sports, single person households, characteristics of single person households, leisure sports participation
The Effects of the Performance and Psychological Skill Strategy in the Effectiveness of Psychological Skill Training on the Archery Player in Middle School 심리기술훈련이 중학교 양궁선수의 심리기술전략과 수행력에 미치는 효과
최상협ChoiSang-hyup , 송용관SongYong-gwan
56(3) 99-114, 2017
The Effects of the Performance and Psychological Skill Strategy in the Effectiveness of Psychological Skill Training on the Archery Player in Middle School 심리기술훈련이 중학교 양궁선수의 심리기술전략과 수행력에 미치는 효과
최상협ChoiSang-hyup , 송용관SongYong-gwan
In the present study, we examined the effect of the performance and psychological skill strategy in the effectiveness of psychological skill training (PST) on the archery player in middle school. To this way, we divided experimental group (n=4) and control group (n=4) for archery player in middle school. In experimental group practiced from 15 to 30 min in 3 trial per week during 10 months. Repeated-measure ANOVAs were used to investigate the effect of PST on player’s psychological skill and performance. The results indicated that players who received the PST showed greater overall psychological skill and performance than did players who did not receive any programs. However, results of the performance indicated that there were no significant differences among groups. The results demonstrated that PST is a important factor for the performance and enhancement of the psychological skill on the archery player.
Effects of Exercise Deprivation on Affects and Mood States in Exercise Addicts 운동중독자의 운동박탈이 감정과 기분상태에 미치는 영향
전윤창JunYun-chang , 김병준KimByoung , 김윤희KimYoonhee
56(3) 116-128, 2017
Effects of Exercise Deprivation on Affects and Mood States in Exercise Addicts 운동중독자의 운동박탈이 감정과 기분상태에 미치는 영향
전윤창JunYun-chang , 김병준KimByoung , 김윤희KimYoonhee
The affective regulation hypothesis explains that exercise addicts use exercise to control negative affects such an anxiety. This study employed single subject design and in-depth interviews to determine the effects of exercise deprivation on affects and mood states among habitual exercisers. Five habitual exercisers with more than 3 years of exercise, 2 hours or longer duration, 4 to 5 times or more frequency participated in this study. They scored higher than cut point in the Korean Exercise Addiction Questionnaire. PANAS and POMS were administered during baseline and 5 days of exercise deprivation. The participants kept diary and took part in in-depth interviews. Deprivation of exercise significantly increased negative affect, anger, confusion, fatigue, and depression even in the first day. In contrast, positive affect and vigor dropped rapidly and maintained across the deprivation period. Effect sizes for the variables were very high raging from 2.17 to 20.00. They experienced physical fatigues, elevated anxiety and stress, and avoidance of communication with others.
Key Words
운동중독자, 운동박달, 기분상태, Exercise addiction, Exercise deprivation, Affect, Mood state
The Development and Application of ‘Golf Pre-shot Routine Model’ for Male Golfers 남자 골프선수를 위한 프리샷 루틴 모형 개발과 적용
56(3) 129-146, 2017
The Development and Application of ‘Golf Pre-shot Routine Model’ for Male Golfers 남자 골프선수를 위한 프리샷 루틴 모형 개발과 적용
This study was to develop and apply ‘Golf Pre-shot Routine Model(GPRM)’ which could be a useful guideline when male golfers set up ‘Tailored Systematic Golf Pre-shot Routine’ for performance enhancement and/or peak performance. Specific research tasks are as follows: Firstly, preperformance routine design guideline is proposed. Secondly, the framework and performance strategies of GPRM are analyzed. Thirdly, GPRM training effectiveness is verified. The results were reasoned out as follows: Firstly, it was revealed that preperformance routine design guideline includes 8 elements, i.e. characteristics of sport event and task and situation, behavioral pattern suitable for personal mental skills, consistency, personal preference of duration, easiness, adherence, automaticity, and long-term systematic training. Secondly, framework of 7-Step Golf Pre-shot Routine Model was composed of Information gathering and judgement, Decision-making of performance plan, Mental-physical rehearsal, Visualization of ball flight, Address, Visual focus on target, and Execution. Personal strategies of Relaxation response could be executed at any moment of this procedure. Thirdly, golf statistical data analysis for GPRM training effectiveness showed that participant’s performance was improved at scoring average, putting average, the number of hole of birdie or better, and the number of hole of bogey or worse. Statistical verification using Cohen’s d value revealed that this intervention was effective on the performance enhancement of scoring average and putting average.
Key Words
수행전 루틴 설계 지침, 7단계 골프 프리샷 루틴 모형, 기준선 설계, 골프 통계, Preperformance routine design guideline, 7-Step Golf Pre-shot Routine Model, Baseline design, Golf statistics, Cohens` d value
A Comparison of Confidence in Physical Education Class by Gender and Stages of Physical Activity 성과 신체활동 변화단계별 체육수업 자신감
56(3) 147-164, 2017
A Comparison of Confidence in Physical Education Class by Gender and Stages of Physical Activity 성과 신체활동 변화단계별 체육수업 자신감
The purpose of this study was to compare confidence in PE class by gender and stages of physical activity of middle schol students. To this end, this study selected 405 middle students in Seoul and used mixed research method. Questionnaire on stages of exercise change was used to investigate stages of physical activity of students and used a questionnaire for subjective assessment of confidence in PE class and a questionnaire that determines 1st and 2nd sources that arouse confidence. This study conducted the two-way ANOVA and conducted chi-squared analysis(χ2 test). The open data was analyzed according to the inductive content analysis procedure. The results are as follows. First, confidence in PE showed difference by stages of physical activity. Meaning, confidence in PE was highest in the order of practice/ maintenance stage, preparation stage, and disinterested/interested stage. Secondly, confidence in PE class showed difference by gender. Meaning, it was identified that boy students recognized to have higher confidence in PE class than girl students. Third, source of confidence in PE class did not show difference by gender. Fourth, source of confidence in PE class did not show difference by stages of physical activity. Meaning, the source of confidence in PE class was in the order of success experiences, physical/emotional state, verbal persuasion, and indirect experience regardless of gender and stages of physical activity. Students' confidence improve through regular practice and praise and encouragement of PE teacher and fellow students. It is considered necessary to provide suitable source of confidence, provide many success experiences of PE class, to make vibrant physical/emotional status of students, and to compliment and encourage PE teacher and fellow students to raise confidence of students in PE classes.
Key Words
체육수업 자신감, 신체활동 변화단계, confidence in physical education class, stages of physical activity
The Effect of Tai Chi Exercise on Ankle Proprioception and Functional Mobility among Older Persons with Peripheral Neuropathy 타이치 운동이 노인 말초신경병증 환자의 발목 고유감각과 기능적 이동성에 미치는 영향
56(3) 165-177, 2017
The Effect of Tai Chi Exercise on Ankle Proprioception and Functional Mobility among Older Persons with Peripheral Neuropathy 타이치 운동이 노인 말초신경병증 환자의 발목 고유감각과 기능적 이동성에 미치는 영향
The aim of this study was to analyze differences in ankle proprioception between the elderly with peripheral neuropathy (PN) and the healthy elderly, and to examine whether a Tai Chi exercise impacts the ankle proprioception and functional mobility of the elderly with PN. Ten elderly subjects with PN and 10 healthy elderly subjects participated in this study. Ankle proprioception was measured using a Biodex 3 dynamometer. Functional mobility was assessed by 6 min walk and TUG tests. To compare the groups of the elderly with PN and the healthy elderly, ankle proprioception was examined by measuring the active and passive reproduction error at 3 target positions. In addition, the 6 min walk test and TUG test were carried out in each group. After obtaining data for active and passive reproduction error, 6 min walk, and TUG tests, the group with PN participated in a Tai Chi exercise program for 10 weeks (3 times per week, 50 min per session). The sensitivity threshold of ankle proprioception, 6 min walk test, and TUG test showed differences between the elderly with PN and the healthy elderly. The ten-week Tai Chi exercise program produced an improvement in active and passive reproduction in ankle proprioception, 6 min walk, and TUG tests. These results suggest that Tai Chi exercise can be a safe and efficient physical intervention for elderly individuals with PN.
Key Words
말초신경병증, 발목 고유감각, 6분간 걷기, 타이치, peripheral neuropathy, ankle proprioception, 6 min walk, TUG, Tai Chi
Meta-analysis of the Relationship between Exercise Participants' Physical Self-concept and Happiness 운동 참여자의 신체적 자기개념과 행복감의 관계에 관한 메타분석
김영욱KimYoung-wook , 오수학OhSu-hak
56(3) 179-191, 2017
Meta-analysis of the Relationship between Exercise Participants' Physical Self-concept and Happiness 운동 참여자의 신체적 자기개념과 행복감의 관계에 관한 메타분석
김영욱KimYoung-wook , 오수학OhSu-hak
The association between Physical Self-Concept and Happiness was examined with meta-analysis across 26 studies. Meta-analysis was conducted by using the CMA 3.0 program. The findings of this study was as follows: First, the total correlation effect size of the physical self-concept and the Happiness of the participants in the exercise was .256, indicating a moderate effect size. Second, the correlation coefficient effect size between the physical self-concept and the Happiness variable measurement tool was found to be moderate effect size in the psychological well-being and the subjective well-being. Third, the correlations between physical self-concept and happiness according to gender were in the order of male, male and female & female. Fourth, the physical self-concept and the correlation effect size of the happiness of the ages appeared to be effective in adolescents, children, adults, and the elderly.
Key Words
신체적 자기개념, 행복감, 메타분석, Exercise Participants, Meta-analysis, Physical self-concept, Happiness
Mediation Effect of Ego-resilience in the Impact of Exercise Hours during Physical Education Class on Adolescents’ Level of Depression 체육수업 중 운동 시간이 청소년의 우울 수준에 미치는 영향에서 자아탄력성의 매개효과
김인우KimInwoo , 강상욱KangSangwook
56(3) 193-202, 2017
Mediation Effect of Ego-resilience in the Impact of Exercise Hours during Physical Education Class on Adolescents’ Level of Depression 체육수업 중 운동 시간이 청소년의 우울 수준에 미치는 영향에서 자아탄력성의 매개효과
김인우KimInwoo , 강상욱KangSangwook
The aim of present study was to examine the mediation effect of ego-resilience in the impact of exercise hours during physical education class on adolescents’ level of depression in Korea. Total 2,011 data (45 cases including missing data were excluded) from Korean Children & Youth Panel Survey including to measure exercise hours during physical education class, ego-resilience, and level of depression were used for the mediation model analysis. Results of measurement model analysis revealed that reliability and validity of research model were acceptable, so that mediation model analysis was performed using chi-square test and bootstrapping method. The results identified that the complementary mediation of ego-resilience on the relationship between exercise hours and participants` depression level was statistically significant. Cross validation including configural invariance and measurement invariance of mediation model was verified. Thus, the results mean that exercise hours in physical education class increase students` ego-resilience, and higher ego-resilience with more exercise decrease their level of depression regardless gender and academic records.
Mediating Effect of Exercise Emotion on The Relationship between Physical Self-Efficacy and Life Satisfaction of Middle-aged Women Participating in Life Sports 생활체육에 참여하는 중년여성의 신체적 자기효능감과 생활만족도간의 관계에서 운동정서의 매개효과
석류SeokRyu , 임신자LimShin-ja
56(3) 203-214, 2017
Mediating Effect of Exercise Emotion on The Relationship between Physical Self-Efficacy and Life Satisfaction of Middle-aged Women Participating in Life Sports 생활체육에 참여하는 중년여성의 신체적 자기효능감과 생활만족도간의 관계에서 운동정서의 매개효과
석류SeokRyu , 임신자LimShin-ja
The purpose of this study is to verify the mediating effects of exercise emotion in correlation between physical self-efficacy and life satisfaction in middle-aged women participating in sports for all. The subjects of this study are middle-aged women enrolled in women’s culture centers, fitness centers, or yoga centers located in Seoul. Study tools used here are Ryckman and Robbins (1982)’s ‘physical self-efficacy scale’, Diener, Emmons, Larsons, and Griffin (1985)’s ‘life satisfaction scale’, and Yu Jin and Kim Jong-oh (2002)’s ‘exercise emotion scale’. Data collected went through frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and correlation analysis. To verify the mediating effects, Baron and Kenny (1986)’s regression analysis-based mediating effects analysis was performed. According to the results, all the subfactors of exercise emotion have mediating effects in correlation between physical self-efficacy and life satisfaction.
Key Words
중년여성, 신체적 자기효능감, 생활체육, 생활만족도, 운동정서, Middle-aged Women, Life Sports, Exercise Emotion, Physical Self-Efficacy, Life Satisfaction
An Effect of High School Students’ Physical Activity Intention on Stress Coping Strategy and Exam Stress; Comparison by LTPA and Gender 고등학생의 신체활동 의도가 스트레스 대처양식 및 시험스트레스에 미치는 영향; 신체활동 참가여부와 성별 비교
56(3) 216-225, 2017
An Effect of High School Students’ Physical Activity Intention on Stress Coping Strategy and Exam Stress; Comparison by LTPA and Gender 고등학생의 신체활동 의도가 스트레스 대처양식 및 시험스트레스에 미치는 영향; 신체활동 참가여부와 성별 비교
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of high school students’ physical activity intention (PAI) on stress coping strategy (SCS) and exam stress by gender and leisure time physical activity (LTPA). A total of 699 (352 male, 347 female) high school students responded to LTPA, PAI Scale, SCS Indicator, and test exam stress scale. For validity and reliability of scales, this study has been used confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach’s α. The data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance, two-way analysis of variance, bivariate correlation analysis, and regression analysis. There was difference in PAI and SCS (social support seeking, problem solving) by gender and LTPA. Exam stress was different by gender. The LTPA none-participant male students’ PAI had an effect on SCS (social support seeking, problem solving, and avoidance) and exam stress. The LTPA none-participant female student’s PAI had an effect on SCS (problem solving) and exam stress.
The Recognition of Teachers about 'Early semester' of Middle School PE Class 중학교 체육수업의 ‘학기 초’에 관한 체육교사의 인식
56(3) 225-239, 2017
The Recognition of Teachers about 'Early semester' of Middle School PE Class 중학교 체육수업의 ‘학기 초’에 관한 체육교사의 인식
This research has begun with P.E teacher's questioning of why “certain classes always do well otherwise certain classes do not”. With this question, professors who have experience answered that they have bad “early semester”, so the purpose of this research is to observe their recognition which is about “early semester” that P.E teachers in the field think empirically worthwhile. During first semester, the researcher collected various information through participant observation and private interview. Thus, tried to understand area analysis, task analysis and relationship analysis among the qualitative research method. The result through these process the validity of result. The result of research which related to “early semester” could unveil the meaning of 'the scope of early semester: until the promise implement', 'the promise: unilateral contract', 'obligation: explicit and silent demands' and 'promise implement identification: the concentration' but also found that early semester was a period of investigating and promoting the class subject.
Key Words
수업 상황, 교사 인식, 교사 전문성, 학기 초, 수업 규칙, 정체성, class situation, teacher recognition, teacher professionalism, early-semester, class rule, identification
Meta-Analysis on the Effect of Sociality of Traditional Plays Based on Physical Activities 신체활동 기반 전통놀이의 사회적 효과에 대한 메타분석
김의재KimEuijae , 강현욱KangHyunwook
56(3) 241-254, 2017
Meta-Analysis on the Effect of Sociality of Traditional Plays Based on Physical Activities 신체활동 기반 전통놀이의 사회적 효과에 대한 메타분석
김의재KimEuijae , 강현욱KangHyunwook
This meta-analysis study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of physical activity programs based on traditional plays. A total of 27 studies published from 2000 through 2016 were selected. This study calculated 'standardized mean-change difference effect size' including overall effect size, effect size of sub-group analysis, and meta-regression. The analysis result is as follows: First, the overall average effect size value based on the random effect model was 1.136, and it was positive and large effect. Secondly, the effect of sociality domain was cooperation, peer interaction, autonomy, understanding of others in order. Third, effect sizes were compared in regard to moderator variables including participant characteristics, program method to progress. As a result, exercise duration, exercise time, and the number of group were moderator variables that explain the differences in effect sizes Based on these findings, implications for future research and program implementation were discussed.
Key Words
신체활동, 전통놀이, 사회성, 메타분석, Physical Activity, traditional play, Sociality, Meta-Analysis
Successful Strategies for Merchandising of Sport Event Licensing 스포츠 이벤트 라이센싱 상품화 사업의 성공전략 방안
심우택ShimWootaek , 신선윤ShinSun-yun
56(3) 255-269, 2017
Successful Strategies for Merchandising of Sport Event Licensing 스포츠 이벤트 라이센싱 상품화 사업의 성공전략 방안
심우택ShimWootaek , 신선윤ShinSun-yun
The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors through the IPA method focusing on the key factors leading to the success of the sport event licensing business and to derive the strategy establishment direction of the licensing merchandising business by plotting the indicators on each quadrant of the matrix. In order to achieve the purpose of the research, the final factor derived from the ‘An Exploratory Study on the Success factors for Effective Licensing and Merchandising: Focusing on the Mega Sports Events’ was used as the research tool. The relative importance and satisfaction of each attribute were compared and analyzed using the IPA method as a research method based on these survey tools. Especially, to solve the ambiguity of quadratic analysis through IPA method, Slack(1994)'s IPA method was used as a interpretational frame of determining priority on consecutive diagonal lines instead of conventional quadrants of IPA. As a result of research, in terms of importance, ‘design of licensing products', 'development of symbolic characters such as mascots', and 'public interest in the corresponding sports events’were appeared and in terms of accomplishment, 'the presence of star players’ and 'development of symbolic characters such as mascots' were appeared in the order. Finally, at the conclusion, the marketing mix theory was applied to the IPA analysis results and the strategy to successfully lead the mega sport event licensing commercialization project according to 4P's was discussed.
Key Words
라이센싱, 스포츠 이벤트, 라이센싱 상품화사업, Licensing and Merchandising, Sport Event Licensing, Sport Event, IPA method
The Structural Relationships among Sports Activity Engagement, Emotional Intelligence, Smart Phone Addiction and Antisocial Tendency for Adolescents 청소년의 스포츠활동 참여, 감성지능, 스마트폰중독 및 반사회적 경향성의 구조적 관계
지명근Myung-keunJi , 김용만Yong-manKim , 김세윤Se-yunKim
56(3) 271-282, 2017
The Structural Relationships among Sports Activity Engagement, Emotional Intelligence, Smart Phone Addiction and Antisocial Tendency for Adolescents 청소년의 스포츠활동 참여, 감성지능, 스마트폰중독 및 반사회적 경향성의 구조적 관계
지명근Myung-keunJi , 김용만Yong-manKim , 김세윤Se-yunKim
The primary purpose of this study was to identify the structural relationships among sports activity engagement, smartphone addiction, emotional intelligence and antisocial tendency for adolescents. This study was designed to explore the role of engagement sports activities reducing smart phone addiction and enhancing cognitive and emotional benefits. To accomplish the study objectives, teenagers in South Chungcheong province were surveyed by using the convenience sampling method. The data were analyzed using 486 responses. To test the hypothesis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling analysis were used through AMOS 18.0. The findings are as follows. First, participation in adolescents sports activities increased emotional intelligence. However, it had no significant effects on their smart phone addiction and antisocial tendency. Second, emotional intelligence of adolescents decreased the smart phone addiction and antisocial tendency. Third, the smart phone addiction increased antisocial tendency. This study showed that adolescents' sports activity engagement lowered smart phone addiction and antisocial tendency through positive emotional intelligence enhancement. Therefore, adolescents' sports activity engagement should be expand.
Differences in High-Commitment Human Resource Management and Service Quality Perceived by Regular and Non-Regular Workers in Commercial Sports Facilities 민간체육시설 정규직과 비정규직 체육지도자가 인지하는 고몰입 인적자원관리와 서비스 품질 차이
김복연KimBokyeon , 최진호ChoiJinho
56(3) 283-303, 2017
Differences in High-Commitment Human Resource Management and Service Quality Perceived by Regular and Non-Regular Workers in Commercial Sports Facilities 민간체육시설 정규직과 비정규직 체육지도자가 인지하는 고몰입 인적자원관리와 서비스 품질 차이
김복연KimBokyeon , 최진호ChoiJinho
The purpose of this study was to examine the difference between regular and non-regular workers in commercial sports facilities on High-Commitment HRM and service quality. In-depth interviews were conducted with twelve participants including six regular and six non-regular workers who have worked for more than a year in total commercial sports facilities that operate two or more facilities, including an indoor swimming pool. The collected data were categorized based on the raw data by utilizing a qualitative research method program, NVivo 11. As a result, it was found that there was no significant difference in the service quality provided for customers in both groups. However, there was a slight difference between the two groups in High-Commitment HRM. In conclusion, it is necessary to increase the employment stability of non-regular workers through the transition to regular workers and improvement of treatment. Because the selection criteria were not clear, the selection process should be more cautious and systematic. Worker satisfaction with respect to wage level, the performance, and promotion system was generally low. Therefore, significant efforts to improve compensation system are necessary. Furthermore, providing service training for non-regular workers as well as teaching skills development training would increase their commitment and service quality.
Key Words
민간체육시설, 고몰입 인적자원관리, 서비스 품질, 정규직, 비정규직, commercial sports facilities, high-commitment human resource management, service quality, regular workers, non-regular workers
The Structural Relationship among Professional Baseball Sport Teams’ Service Quality, Customer Orientation, Spectating Satisfaction, Team Loyalty and Revisit Intention 프로야구 구단의 서비스품질과 고객지향성, 관람만족, 팀충성도 및 재관람의도의 구조적 관계
이소은So-eunLee , 김용만Yong-manKim , 김세윤Se-yunKim
56(3) 305-320, 2017
The Structural Relationship among Professional Baseball Sport Teams’ Service Quality, Customer Orientation, Spectating Satisfaction, Team Loyalty and Revisit Intention 프로야구 구단의 서비스품질과 고객지향성, 관람만족, 팀충성도 및 재관람의도의 구조적 관계
이소은So-eunLee , 김용만Yong-manKim , 김세윤Se-yunKim
The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of professional baseball team service quality on customer orientation, spectating satisfaction, team loyalty and revisit intention. To accomplish the goal of the study successfully, group of spectators who watched the was selected as the 2015 Tirebank baseball game was organized as a study population. The selected 300 at the Mokdong and Jamsil in Seoul from 20th September to 3rd October. For data processing, this study conducted frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, Cronbach's α test, correlation analysis and structure equation modeling analysis using PASW 18.0 and AMOS 18.0. The research results are as follows: First, it was shown that professional baseball team service quality has positive effect on customer orientation, spectating satisfaction. However service quality has no positive effect on team loyalty. Second, it was shown that customer orientation has no positive effect on spectating satisfaction. However customer orientation has positive effect on revisit intention. Third, it was shown that spectating satisfaction has positive effect on team loyalty and revisit intention. Fourth, it was shown that loyalty has positive effect on revisit intention.
Key Words
프로야구구단, 서비스품질, 고객지향성, 관람만족, 팀충성도, 재관람의도, professional baseball team, service quality, customer orientation, spectating satisfaction, team loyalty, revisit intention
The Relationship among Planned Behavior, Exercise Commitment and Addiction by Participants in Swimming 생활체육 수영참가자들의 계획행동, 운동몰입 및 중독의 관계
56(3) 321-333, 2017
The Relationship among Planned Behavior, Exercise Commitment and Addiction by Participants in Swimming 생활체육 수영참가자들의 계획행동, 운동몰입 및 중독의 관계
The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship among planned behavior, exercise commitment and addiction by participants in swimming. Through convenience sampling method, selected 387 survey questionnaires were used for final analysis from swimming. With the collected data, descriptive analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation model analysis were conducted by SPSSWIN 18.0 and AMOS 18.0. The analysis results are as follows. First, the attitude shown of participants in swimming had positive (+) influence on their intention to exercise behavior. Second, the subjective norm of participants in swimming had positive (+) influence on their intention to exercise behavior. Third, perceived behavioral control shown of participants in swimming had positive (+) influence on their intention to exercise behavior. Fourth, the exercise behavior of participants in swimming had positive (+) influence on their exercise commitment. Fifth, the exercise commitment of participants in swimming had positive (+) influence on their exercise addiction. The results stated above were discussed based on the previous studies and empirical research regarding the planned behavior, exercise commitment and exercise addiction.
This study sought to identify the characteristics of sub-culture of wrestling clubs through the interview of relevant people and the analysis of documents on participation in and observation of wrestling. To that end, 5 subjects, who had been participating in wrestling clubs for over 6 months, were sampled, and a ethnography was used. The findings of this study are outlined below. First, subjects chose a rare sport called wrestling as a sport in daily life and began wrestling through their own choice. Second, they were challenged to aspire to have a “ear of dumplings” - which is exclusively enjoyed by wrestling champions - and to become amateur wrestlers to gain expertise. Third, they established a sense of belonging to wrestling fellowship through the consideration of members of wrestling clubs and trust in their leaders to establish their identities. As a result, it was confirmed that wrestling is a somewhat tough and intense exercise that is difficult for the general public to participate in, but that wrestling enthusiasts has a unique depth of experience that is not different from the level of professional athletes.
Key Words
레슬링, 레슬링클럽, 하위문화, wrestling, wrestling club, sub-culture
Relationship between Empathy, Self-Efficacy and Subjective Well-being of Elderly Participating in Physical Activity 신체활동 참여노인이 지각하는 공감과 자기효능감 및 주관적 안녕감의 관계
56(3) 349-361, 2017
Relationship between Empathy, Self-Efficacy and Subjective Well-being of Elderly Participating in Physical Activity 신체활동 참여노인이 지각하는 공감과 자기효능감 및 주관적 안녕감의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between empathy, self-efficacy and subjective well-being of elderly participating in physical activity. 211 elderly living in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do participated in this study. To achieve the purpose of this study, it drew the following conclusion by using IBM SPSS Window V.21 statistics program and IBM AMOS V.21 statistics program. The results were as follows. First, empathy perceived by elderly participating in physical activity have influenced the self-efficacy. Second, empathy perceived by elderly participating in physical activity have not influenced the subjective well-being. Third, self-efficacy has influenced the subjective well-being. Therefore, this study was found out the fact that empathy have an influence on the self-efficacy so it has a positive influence on subjective well-being.
The Difficulty of Baseball Team Director Dealing with Business Operation within Field of Community Baseball Member : Critical Theory 사회인 야구 동호회 운영에 대한 감독의 어려움: 비판이론
전상완JeonSang-wan , 이종하LeeJong-ha
56(3) 363-376, 2017
The Difficulty of Baseball Team Director Dealing with Business Operation within Field of Community Baseball Member : Critical Theory 사회인 야구 동호회 운영에 대한 감독의 어려움: 비판이론
전상완JeonSang-wan , 이종하LeeJong-ha
The purpose of this study is to identify the difficulty of baseball team director dealing with business operations within field of community baseball member from a critical theory perspective. Given this purpose, baseball team director of community baseball member were selectively participated and interviewed accordingly. As a result from the view of baseball team director, the difficulties involved in business operations were summarized as follows : First, the difficulty of business operation appear each community baseball member according to culture of pursuit. Above all, the baseball team director who is largely responsible for the team’s victory did not give player who did not have ability a opportunity to be involved game. On the other hand, the baseball team director who is team’s enjoyment were ignored from the other community baseball member and were standardized downward. As a result, cultural conflict of each community baseball member have difficult factor about healthy team operation because of nonattendance and Withdrawal of some members who had failed from cultural adaptation. Second, the difficulty of participation and position distribution appear feeling expression and empowerment between members so business operations of community baseball member were more and more difficult. As a result, baseball team director of community baseball member had a not good experience because of slanted organizational culture, dividing into teams and excessive competition.
Key Words
사회인야구, 동호회, 감독의 어려움, 비판이론, community baseball member, business operation, baseball team director, conflict, win, enjoy
Does Conspicuous Leisure Consumption Increase Leisure Satisfaction of Mountain Climbers? 등산객의 과시적여가소비가 여가만족을 향상시키는가?
김유겸YukyoumKim , 황선환SunhwanHwang
56(3) 377-387, 2017
Does Conspicuous Leisure Consumption Increase Leisure Satisfaction of Mountain Climbers? 등산객의 과시적여가소비가 여가만족을 향상시키는가?
김유겸YukyoumKim , 황선환SunhwanHwang
The purpose of the study was to investigate the difference in leisure satisfaction based on interaction between recreation specialization and conspicuous leisure consumption in mountain climbers. A total of 443 mountain climbers were collected for this study. According to the results, mountain climbers’ propensity of conspicuous leisure consumption belonging to higher level of recreation specialization was higher than lower recreation specialist group. Second, leisure satisfaction of higher recreation specialists was higher than lower group. Third, leisure satisfaction of lower conspicuous leisure consumption group was higher than those belonging to the higher conspicuous leisure consumption group. Finally, leisure satisfaction of climbers who had high level of recreation specialization and high level of conspicuous leisure consumption was highest, whereas it of climbers who had low level of recreation specialization and high level of conspicuous leisure consumption was lowest. Therefore, conspicuous leisure consumption does not increase leisure satisfaction among mountain climbers.
The Related Word Analysis on Korean Society of Leisure and Recreation Based on Text Mining and Network Analysis: Focused on KAHPERD 텍스트마이닝과 네트워크분석 기반 여가 및 레크리에이션 연구논문 연관단어 분석: 한국체육학회지를 중심으로
The Related Word Analysis on Korean Society of Leisure and Recreation Based on Text Mining and Network Analysis: Focused on KAHPERD 텍스트마이닝과 네트워크분석 기반 여가 및 레크리에이션 연구논문 연관단어 분석: 한국체육학회지를 중심으로
The purpose of this study is to investigate research trends in the field of leisure and recreation in the Journal of Korean Physical Education based on text mining and social network analysis. The data collected for this study are 4,663 papers published online from March 2002 to December 2016 on the korean journal of physical education, and the data analyzed are 143 papers that leisure and recreation posted online from January 2007 to December 2016. In order to investigate the research trends in leisure and recreation, this study performed the high frequency words analysis. Then after, the applied the NodeXL software to perform its visualization fo the results. Through this application and process, the study found that the main concern of leisure and recreation researchers was analysis of leisure related factors, participation of sports and sports activities, constrained and experience of participants, type of participation and experience level and so on. The research trends in leisure and recreation have shown a tendency to focus on specific topics and researchers. In conclusion, in order to revitalize research in the field of leisure and recreation, it is necessary to input various research groups and new researchers.
Key Words
텍스트 마이닝, 네트워크분석, 연관 단어, 여가 및 레크리에이션, Text-mining, Social Network Analysis, Related Word, Research Trend, Leisure and Recreation
The Grounded Theory Analysis on the Process of Recreation Specialization for Bowling Participants 볼링참여자의 레크리에이션 전문화 과정에 관한 연구
56(3) 403-414, 2017
The Grounded Theory Analysis on the Process of Recreation Specialization for Bowling Participants 볼링참여자의 레크리에이션 전문화 과정에 관한 연구
This study aims at giving a theoretical model of ‘The Process of Recreation Specialization for Bowling Participants’ through grounded theoretic approach. participants in the study participated by the recommendation of the operators of the bowling club and the judgment of the researchers and analysis of the courses on recreation of bowling players. 7 people were chosen to play bowling as a professional activity. First, Through this process, 124 concepts and 23 sub categories were generated and further simplified into seven categories again. Second, The study have identified how they have relationship among six paradigm of causal conditions, contextual contexts, central phenomena, interventional conditions, interactive strategies result. Third, Throughout the whole story, the focus was on the central phenomenon of ‘attraction of bowling’ and the relationship between recreation specialization. Within that framework, we were able to create a core category of ‘changed as a professional participant.’
The Relationship between Leisure Attitudes, Performance and Quality of Life among Korean Professional Golfers 한국프로골프선수들의 여가태도와 경기수행능력 및 삶의 질에 대한 관계 분석
한지훈HanJee-hoon , 이철원LeeChulWon
56(3) 415-425, 2017
The Relationship between Leisure Attitudes, Performance and Quality of Life among Korean Professional Golfers 한국프로골프선수들의 여가태도와 경기수행능력 및 삶의 질에 대한 관계 분석
한지훈HanJee-hoon , 이철원LeeChulWon
This purpose of this study was to examined the relationship between leisure attitudes, performance and quality of life among Korean Professional Golfers. Research participants selected total number of 300 players who are currently Korean Professional Golfers around Seoul, Gyonggi, Gyeongsang, Chungcheong, Jeolla provience, and Jeju Island. The participants was collected by convenient sampling method, excluded 19 questionnaires due to the lack of information therefore, 281 questionnaires was collected to used as analysis. The questionnaires was done by self-administration method. The analysis was done through SPSS WIN and AMOS; frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, structure equation model analysis, and path analysis was done. After the analysis, the results are as follow. First, leisure attitudes did not effect on performance. Second, Korean professional golfer’s performance showed positive(+) effects on quality of life. Lastly, leisure attitude of Korean professional golfer did not effect on quality of life.
Key Words
여가태도, 경기수행능력, 삶의 질, 프로골퍼, Leisure Attitudes, Performance, Quality of Life, Korea Professional Golfer
Relationship between Leisure Constraints and Leisure Obsession Based on the Recreation Specialization Levels of Golf Participants 골프 참여자의 레크리에이션 전문화 수준에 따른 여가제약과 여가강박의 관계
강희엽KangHee-yeob , 최현욱ChoiHyun-wook
56(3) 427-438, 2017
Relationship between Leisure Constraints and Leisure Obsession Based on the Recreation Specialization Levels of Golf Participants 골프 참여자의 레크리에이션 전문화 수준에 따른 여가제약과 여가강박의 관계
강희엽KangHee-yeob , 최현욱ChoiHyun-wook
The purpose of this study was to identify the difference between leisure constraints and leisure obsession and relationship between leisure constraints and leisure obsession pertaining to the difference levels of recreation specialization. The achieve the goal of this study, a total of 352 surveys were collected from golf participants. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted by SPSS and AMOS program. For the analysis, frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, K-mean cluster analysis, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed. All tests were performed using .05 significance level. The results of this study were as follow. First, based on the recreation specialization level, leisure constraints and leisure obsession have significance difference of golf participants. Second, leisure constraints did not effect on leisure obsession based on the level recreation specialization. In conclusion, leisure behavior showed differently depends on golf participation’s level of recreation specialization and therefore, in order to solve leisure constraints and leisure obsession, differentiation strategy are needed by different recreation specialization.
The Effect of Leisure Satisfaction on School Life Satisfaction According to Leisure Activities of Students Majoring in Taekwondo 태권도학과 전공생의 여가활동에 따른 여가만족이 학교생활만족에 미치는 영향
장아군ZhangYa-jun , 김지영KimJi-young
56(3) 439-454, 2017
The Effect of Leisure Satisfaction on School Life Satisfaction According to Leisure Activities of Students Majoring in Taekwondo 태권도학과 전공생의 여가활동에 따른 여가만족이 학교생활만족에 미치는 영향
장아군ZhangYa-jun , 김지영KimJi-young
The purpose of this study is to investigate the leisure activities of students majoring in taekwondo and to clarify the relationship between leisure satisfaction and school life satisfaction. For this purpose, 352 students in taekwondo department in Seoul, Gyeonggido province, and Chungcheongnamdo province were analyzed by frequency, validity and reliability analysis, crossover analysis, chi-square test, one-way ANOVA, correlation, and multiple regression analysis using SPSS 22.0. As a result, First, there was a significant difference in the leisure activities according to gender, grade, and monthly allowance of the difference according to the demographic characteristics of Students majoring of Taekwondo. Second, as a result of analysis of leisure satisfaction according to leisure activities of Taekwondo department students, there were significant differences in leisure satisfaction by leisure activities. Third, as for the relationship between leisure satisfaction and school life satisfaction of students majoring in taekwondo, it was found that educational and psychological satisfaction had significant effects on school satisfaction and class satisfaction, and environmental satisfaction had a significant effect on teaching satisfaction.
Key Words
태권도학과 전공생, 여가활동, 여가만족, 학교생활만족, studens majoring of taekwondo, leisure satisfaction, leisure activity, school life satisfaction
Influences of Time Perspectives and Family Communication Patterns on Leisure Attitudes 시간관과 가족커뮤니케이션 패턴이 여고생의 여가태도에 미치는 영향
이은순LeeEunsoon , 강형길KangHyoung-kil
56(3) 455-467, 2017
Influences of Time Perspectives and Family Communication Patterns on Leisure Attitudes 시간관과 가족커뮤니케이션 패턴이 여고생의 여가태도에 미치는 영향
이은순LeeEunsoon , 강형길KangHyoung-kil
The current study aims at examining the influences of time perspectives and family communication patterns on leisure attitudes. Female high school students were survey respondents for this study. According to results of multiple regression analysis, communication-orientation of family communication patterns positively influenced both cognitive-affective leisure attitude and behavioral leisure attitude, whereas conformity-orientation did not significantly predict leisure attitudes. Among time perspectives(TPs), past-positive TP, present-hedonistic TP, and future TP positively influenced cognitive-affective leisure attitude, whereas present-fatalistic TP negatively predicted cognitiveaffective leisure attitude. Regarding behavioral leisure attitude, present-hedonistic TP, past-positive TP, and future TP positively predicted the formation of leisure attitudes. The results of this study are expected to expand an understanding of leisure attitudes with two relatively new concepts - time perspectives and family communication patterns.
Key Words
시간관, 가족커뮤니케이션 패턴, 여가태도, 여고생, time perspectives, family communication patterns, leisure attitudes, female high school students
The Types and Characteristics of Good Partner Perceived by Dance Sports Players 댄스스포츠 선수들이 인지하는 ‘좋은 파트너’의 유형 및 특성
이종길LeeJong-kil , 송대진SongDae-jin
56(3) 469-482, 2017
The Types and Characteristics of Good Partner Perceived by Dance Sports Players 댄스스포츠 선수들이 인지하는 ‘좋은 파트너’의 유형 및 특성
이종길LeeJong-kil , 송대진SongDae-jin
This research intended to understand the types and characteristics of good partner gained through dance sports by applying a Q methodology targeting dance sport players. Q populations were formed through open questionnaires with five questions and individual interviews targeting five dance sport players, out of the total 36 Q populations before selecting 25 statements as final Q samples. Selected armature 31persons and professional 8persons severally nine persons, total dance sport player 39 persons as P samples have the dance sport player now active. Major factors were analyzed through PC-QUANL program; and Varimax was utilized for rotation method. Results I. Types of good dance sport partner came in three different categories. They were named type 1.(n=17): ‘passionㆍflow-pursuit type’, type 2.(n=13): ‘considerationㆍcommunication-aim type’, type 3.(n=9): ‘respect relation-trust type’. Type 1. Realize that partner have an passion to dance sport, have a same purpose with me and good focus to balance, on the contrary, de-emphasized personal connections to other dance sport players or teachers, have a clean rumor and care of me apart from dance sport, Type 2. Realize that instill respect to partner and care for partner on the other side of the fence, need a good communication, de-emphasized move to belong to my association and teacher of partner, personal connections to other dance sport players or teachers, Type 3. Realize that good focus when doing practice and have an passion to dance sport and instill respect to partner, keep one's promise each other, de-emphasized move to belong to my association and a meticulous nature, long time dance sport experience. A point of sameness : Good dance sport partner is Realize that partner have an passion to dance sport.
Key Words
댄스스포츠, 파트너 유형, Q 방법론, dance sports, types of the good partner, Q-methodology
The Needs Analysis of Practical Competency and Priority for Aerobic Instructors 에어로빅 지도자의 지도역량에 대한 요구분석과 우선순위도출
56(3) 483-494, 2017
The Needs Analysis of Practical Competency and Priority for Aerobic Instructors 에어로빅 지도자의 지도역량에 대한 요구분석과 우선순위도출
The purpose of this study is to investigate what the aerobic instructors' practical competency are and the order of priority in their competency. For those purpose, this study used data from 317 Questionaires gathered from aerobic instructors of the sports for all fields. The survey were about competency model and competency needs of the research participants. Using the ways of data analysis in this study were Cronbanch’ αanalysis, paired t-test, Borich, needs analysis formula and the Locus for Focus model. Through the Borich needs analysis formula, Functional(technical) ability, program organization and developing ability, academical knowledge(effects and value), safety management and practical teaching ability were in order. Through the Locus for Focus model, 7 of aerobic instructors' competency, as functional(technical) ability, academical knowledge(effects and value), choreograph ability, word of command and communication ability, practical teaching ability, leadership and member management ability were in HH quadrant.
Key Words
에어로빅지도자, 지도역량, 요구분석, 우선순위, aerobic instructors, competency, needs analysis, Locus for Focus mode
A Study on Korean Dance Methods through Laban Movement Analysis: Focused on Bae Jung-hye's ‘Bar Gibon(Basic)’ Breath of Lower Body Movements 라반움직임분석을 통한 한국춤 메소드 연구: 배정혜의 ‘바기본’ 하체호흡을 중심으로
이민애LeeMin-ae , 이해준LeeHai-joon
56(3) 495-511, 2017
A Study on Korean Dance Methods through Laban Movement Analysis: Focused on Bae Jung-hye's ‘Bar Gibon(Basic)’ Breath of Lower Body Movements 라반움직임분석을 통한 한국춤 메소드 연구: 배정혜의 ‘바기본’ 하체호흡을 중심으로
이민애LeeMin-ae , 이해준LeeHai-joon
The aim of this thesis is elaborate on the quality of movements of Korean dance methods and present detailed analyses and recording systems by using Laban Movement Analysis(LMA). LMA is widely acknowledged for providing a comprehensive scientific vocabulary framework and is recognized as a fundamental standard that analyzes and categorizes the quality of movements and is a powerful tool for elaborating on descriptions of movements. Bae Jung-hye’s ‘Bar Gibon (Basic)’ Breaths of lower body was selected as the object of study and was analyzed, according to LMA’s four categories: Body, Effort, Shape, and Space, through observation of DVD and described by using the Effort-Shape Notation adding Body/Space's symbols. The results are as follows. First, Effort of Bound Flow is often found in movements. Second, one movement principles are applied, beginning with Grounding and/or Core Support followed by Dynamic Alignment. Third, various combinations of Time Effort produce rhythmic characteristics of dynamics with Accent. This study is significant in that it suggests concrete training methods of Korean dance, while supporting a clear concept with detailed analysis and objective description.
Key Words
라반움직임분석, 신체, 에포트, 쉐입, 공간, 한국춤 메소드, Laban Movement Analysis, Body/Effort/Shape/Space, Korean Dance Methods
A Strategy for Enhancing Competences of Dance Human Resources in Knowledge-Based Society 지식기반사회에서 무용 인적자원의 역량 증진 전략
차은주ChaEun-joo , 안병순AhnByoung-soon
56(3) 513-526, 2017
A Strategy for Enhancing Competences of Dance Human Resources in Knowledge-Based Society 지식기반사회에서 무용 인적자원의 역량 증진 전략
차은주ChaEun-joo , 안병순AhnByoung-soon
The purpose of this study is to suggest a strategy for enhancing competences of dance human resources in knowledge-based society. For achieving this purpose, based on literature review, the characteristics of knowledgebased society and the concept and the concept of competence development, which is becoming an issue today, were examined. Also, the present state and the characteristics of dance competence were analyzed and a strategy for enhancing competences of dance human resources was suggested. The study findings are as follows. First, in knowledge-based society, knowledge is the driving force of value creation and individual competence development is becoming an important task as a strategy to cultivate talent in different fields, specially in the field of job and education. Second, there are competence-related studies in the field of dance, but there is a shortage of discussion on the direction of dance competence development and systematic strategies are required. Third, there is a need to recognize and evaluate the importance of dance competence as a strategy to develop and strengthen dance human resources. It is required to securing superior human capital, change the competence-based dance curriculum for development of dance human resources, connect with the college curriculum by analyzing the field of dance-related job and develop a program for enhancing competences of dance majors. This study has significance by presenting the orientation of practical effort, which is required for enhancing competences of dance human resources. Ultimately, this would help the field of dance obtain competitiveness in knowledge-based society.
Key Words
지식기반사회, 인적자원, 무용, 역량, knowledge-based society, human resources, dance, competence
Effect of Treadmill Exercise on Mitochondrial Function and Neuronal Plasticity in the Aged rat Hippocampus 트레드밀 운동이 노화 쥐의 해마에서 미토콘드리아 기능과 신경가소성에 미치는 영향
Effect of Treadmill Exercise on Mitochondrial Function and Neuronal Plasticity in the Aged rat Hippocampus 트레드밀 운동이 노화 쥐의 해마에서 미토콘드리아 기능과 신경가소성에 미치는 영향
Aging is associated with a decrease in cognitive function with a decline of typical physiological functions. Mitochondria dysfunction plays a critical role in the pathologic mechanisms of neurologic disorders or diseases associated with the aging process. Physical exercise seems to regulate neurogenesis, providing not only quantitative but also qualitative benefits to the brain tissue. In the present study, we investigated the effects of aging and treadmill exercise on cognition, mitochondrial function(O2 Respiration, H2O2 emission, Ca2+ retention capacity), apoptosis, and neurotrophic factor in the rat hippocampus. Fischer 344 rats were used in this experiment. The rats were randomly divided into four groups: Young Sedentary group, Young Exercise group, Old Sedentary group, Old Exercise group. The animals in the exercise groups were forced to run on a motorized treadmill for 40 min five times per week for 8 weeks. In order to evaluated the short-term memory ability, spontaneous alternation behavior in the Y-maze was performed. In the present study, aging reduced short-term memory, neurotropic factor expression and induced mitochondria dysfunction with apoptosis in the hippocampus. However, treadmill exercise attenuated behavioral and neurobiological dysfunction of the aging rats. Based on these results, exercise may provide therapeutic value for the treatment of age-related brain dysfunction.
Boxing is an intense sport demanding both aerobic and anaerobic metabolic capacity in short period. Boxing also requires a coordination between upper and lower body muscles. We investigated the energy expenditure (EE) of boxing unit movement such as straight, upper cut and hook, and examined the effect of boxing training on EE of unit movement. Ten inexperienced college students (5 men and 5 women; 28.2±2.1 yrs, 171.4±8.4 cm, 65.0±10.1 kg) participated in 6-weeks boxing training program (3 times/wk, 40-60 min/session). Nine boxing unit movement was identified and 3 combinations of these unit movements were formed. EE of each unit movement and combinations of movement was measured before, at 3rd week, and at 6th week of training program. To compare the effects of training period on EE, one-way ANOVA with repeated measures was applied. Following the training program, left hook and one of combination movement showed significant changes (p<.05). When EE was compared by position, all of the right hits were higher than the left ones (p<.05). Although statistically not significant, the sum of individual unit movements showed higher EE than the combinations of movement we employed. In conclusion, EE of boxing movement can be varied by the combinations of individual unit movement. In addition, position of movement can affect EE. In general, boxing training decreases EE.
Key Words
개별복싱동작, 복합복싱동작, 에너지소비량, 복싱자세, 훈련효과, individual boxing unit movement, combination of boxing unit movement, energy expenditure, boxing position, training effect
Effects of 8 Weeks Resistance Exercise on GSH, SOD, TBARS Activities and GLUT2 mRNA Expression of Pancreas in OLETF Rats 8주간 저항성 운동이 OLETF 쥐 췌장 조직의 GSH, SOD, TBARS 활성 및 GLUT2 mRNA 발현에 미치는 영향
이민기LeeMin-ki , 윤진환YoonJin-hwan
56(3) 551-563, 2017
Effects of 8 Weeks Resistance Exercise on GSH, SOD, TBARS Activities and GLUT2 mRNA Expression of Pancreas in OLETF Rats 8주간 저항성 운동이 OLETF 쥐 췌장 조직의 GSH, SOD, TBARS 활성 및 GLUT2 mRNA 발현에 미치는 영향
이민기LeeMin-ki , 윤진환YoonJin-hwan
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of 8 weeks resisance exercise on GSH, SOD, TBARS activities and GLUT2 mRNA expression of pancreas in OLETF rat. 24 male OLETF rats were randomly divided into three groups : LETO control group(n=8), OLETF control group(n=8), OLETF+resistance exercise group(n=8). Rats in the exercised groups were subjected to resistance exercise for 8 weeks. At the end of eight weeks blood and pancreas tissue samples were collected and used for determination of antioxidant enzymes GSH, and SOD activities, and TBARS level, and GLUT2 mRNA expression. Resistance exercise significantly reduced TBARS levels in the pancreas tissue (p<0.05). In addition, resistance exercise significantly increased GSH, and SOD (p<0.05) in the pancreas tissue. HOMA-IR significantly reduced. resistance exercise diminishes the TBARS level in pancreas tissue of OLETF rats. It also accentuates activities of GSH, SOD. Therefore, it may be considered a effective tool for the reduction of oxidative stress in diabetes.
Key Words
저항성 운동, OLETF 쥐, 항산화 효소, 췌장, Resistance exercise, OLETF rat, Antioxidant enzymes, Pancreas
Effects of High Intensity Resistance Training on Bone Mineral Density (BMD) and Bone Mineral Content (BMC) in Elderly Men 고강도 저항성 운동이 남성 고령자의 골밀도와 골무기질 량에 미치는 영향
56(3) 565-573, 2017
Effects of High Intensity Resistance Training on Bone Mineral Density (BMD) and Bone Mineral Content (BMC) in Elderly Men 고강도 저항성 운동이 남성 고령자의 골밀도와 골무기질 량에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to examine the difference of the effect on bone mineral density(BMD) and bone mineral content( BMC) between high intensity resistance exercise and low intensity resistance exercise for elderly men. All participants were randomly assigned to either high-intensity(H.I) resistance training group (n=8) or low-intensity(L.I) resistance training group (n=7) and completed 12-week training program(3 days/week). Total BMD increased by 1.86% in H.I group and 1.75% in L.I group. while total BMC increased by 0.42% in H.I group, decreased by 0.59% in L.I group. Femur BMD increased by 2.10% in H.I group and 1.90% in L.I group, which imply that 12-week long both high and low resistance training is effective to prevent fracture for elderly men.
Key Words
고강도 저항성 운동, 저강도 저항성 운동, 골밀도, 골무기질량, Resistance training intensity, Bone mineral density, Bone mineral content, Fracture
Effects of Multicomponent Exercise Program on Functional Fitness and Balance in Community-Dwelling Elderly Women 복합운동프로그램이 지역사회 거주 여성노인의 기능적 체력 및 균형에 미치는 영향
Effects of Multicomponent Exercise Program on Functional Fitness and Balance in Community-Dwelling Elderly Women 복합운동프로그램이 지역사회 거주 여성노인의 기능적 체력 및 균형에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to test availability of multicomponent exercise program to acquire fitness and balance related with preventing fall during daily life. Twenty-two women were assigned to a training(n=9; 70.6±4.9 years) and a control group(n=13; 72.2±6.0). This 10-week program consisted of 2~3 sessions per week and 50~70 min per session of center of gravity control training, multisensory training, postural strategy training, gait pattern enhancement and variation training, strength and endurance training, and flexibility training. Data were analyzed by using Mann-Whitney U test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test via SPSS ver. 15.0. The level of ≤.05 was assumed as statistical significance. No significant changes was observed in waist-hip ratio as a result of the training. Training induced significant improvements in weight, body mass index, Senior Fitness Test values, limit of stability, and Fullerton balance scale test values. As a conclusion, it is assumed that multicomponent exercise program in this study would be beneficial to the elderly women, who desire to acquire fitness such as muscular strength and endurance, balance, agility and to be prevented from hazardous falling. After the intervention about multicomponent exercise program, It is thought to be necessary to classify the patient's fall risk level and to conduct a study of selective applications of fall prevention program by that risk level. And we need to conduct to identify the actual intervention impact of the fall rates.
Effects of Exercise Intervention Programs for Cobb’s Angle in Korean Scoliosis Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 운동중재프로그램이 척추측만증의 Cobb’s angle에 미치는 효과: 체계적인 문헌고찰과 메타분석
56(3) 589-599, 2017
Effects of Exercise Intervention Programs for Cobb’s Angle in Korean Scoliosis Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 운동중재프로그램이 척추측만증의 Cobb’s angle에 미치는 효과: 체계적인 문헌고찰과 메타분석
The purpose of this study is to estimate the effects of exercise intervention programs on scoliosis relief in Korean patients. To provide the effects of exercise intervention programs, we calculated effect size and conducted a systematic review of studies that 1) identified exercise intervention programs in Korean scoliosis is patients, 2) were written in Korean, 3) measured pre- and post-intervention outcomes regarding Cobb’s angle, and 4) included experimental and control groups. Comprehensive Mata-Analysis software was used to analyze the effect size and homogeneity of data. Twelve studies were selected for this meta-analysis. Three hundred twenty nine scoliosis is patients participated for this review. All scoliosis patients participated in the exercise intervention programs for an average of 10 weeks, 3 to 4 times a week for average 60 minutes. The exercise interventions showed a large effect size (d=-1.38, [95%CI: -2,25, -0.50, I2=92.39%]) on Cobb’s angle, which indicated a positive effect of the exercise intervention program on scoliosis patients. The exercise programs were of moderate to vigorous intensity and varied modalities. They included the Schroth method, core exercises, mat exercises, Pilates, and trunk stabilization exercises. This study supports that exercise intervention programs played an important role in relieving scoliosis. Further studies should provide more evidence to establish guidelines for exercise intervention programs as a health behavior in daily life.
The Effect of Treadmill Exercise on Sirtuin-3 Expression and Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore in the Aged Rat Brain 트레드밀 운동이 노화쥐 뇌의 sirtuin-3 발현과 mitochondrial permeability transition pore에 미치는 영향
구정훈KooJung-hoon , 조준용ChoJoon-yong
56(3) 601-611, 2017
The Effect of Treadmill Exercise on Sirtuin-3 Expression and Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore in the Aged Rat Brain 트레드밀 운동이 노화쥐 뇌의 sirtuin-3 발현과 mitochondrial permeability transition pore에 미치는 영향
구정훈KooJung-hoon , 조준용ChoJoon-yong
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of treadmill exercise on sirtuin-3(SIRT-3), mitochondrial permeability transition pore(mPTP), and SIRT-3-mediated forkhead box O3(FOXO3α)/superoxide dismutase-2(SOD-2) pathway in the aged rat brain. All Sprague Dawley(SD) rat(n=24) were divided into three groups; young control group(n=8, Y-CON), old control group(n=8, O-CON), and old treadmill exercise group(n=8, O-EXE). O-EXE group were trained to 5 days a week of treadmill exercise, during 60 min/day that was gradually increased until 15 m/min. In this study, treadmill exercise significantly reduced cyclopliin-D(Cyp-D) and voltage-dependent anion channel(VDAC1) expression and increased adenine nucleotide translocator(ANT) expression in O-EXE group compared to O-CON group. In addition, treadmill exercise significantly elevated mitochondrial cyrochrome c (M-cyto c) expression and reduced cytosolic cytochrome c(C-cyto c) expression in O-EXE group compared to O-CON group, resulting in decrease the cleaved caspase-3 expression. Moreover, treadmill exercise significantly increased the level of SIRT-3 expression, which activated FOXO3α and SOD-2, indicating aging-induced oxidative stress was reduced by treadmill exercise. All together, these results demonstrated that treadmill exercise alleviated the mitochondria dysfunction and oxidative stress by inhibiting mPTP opening and increasing antioxidant effect possibly via SIRT-3 signaling pathway in aged rat brain.
Ski jump has a long history, and scientific approach to various ways to improve flight distance has been conducted. The purpose of this study was review previous literature related to ski jumping in the field of aerodynamics and kinematics and tried to propose future direction of research after grasping the recent research trends. Firstly, in the field of kinematics, research has been carried out on the analysis of skiing jump players' skills and the forces acting on them. Recently, researches have been carried out using sensors for measuring all sections. In the field of aerodynamics, a study was conducted to observe optimized flight attitude by linking wind tunnel experiment and computer simulation. The following research suggests research that should be carried out in the field of ski jumping in the future. First, we need to acquire and analyze the information of the entire ski jump by using various measurement sensors. Second, three-dimensional wind tunnel tests and computational fluid dynamics analysis should be conducted. Third, we propose a biomechanical approach to prevent injury to athletes. Fourth, we are hoping that research for the development of custom-made ski jump device for Korean national team players'.
The Knowledge Structure Analysis on Taekwondo Researches : Application of Keyword Network Analysis 국내 태권도학 연구의 지식구조 탐색 : 키워드 기반 지식네트워크 분석의 적용
최창환ChoiChang-hwan , 이재봉LeeJae-bong
56(3) 627-644, 2017
The Knowledge Structure Analysis on Taekwondo Researches : Application of Keyword Network Analysis 국내 태권도학 연구의 지식구조 탐색 : 키워드 기반 지식네트워크 분석의 적용
최창환ChoiChang-hwan , 이재봉LeeJae-bong
The purpose of this study was to verify the knowledge structure of domestic taekwondo research by applying the knowledge network method that was based on keywords. To achieve the purpose of this study, 1689 taekwondo research and 2442 individual keywords were used. In addition, the knowledge structure of taekwondo research was identified from the viewpoint of time series across four sections: section 1 (1982-2000), section 2 (2001-2005), section 3 (2006-2010), section 4 (2011-2016). Netminer 4.0 program was used to analyze descriptive statistics of the keywords and the degree centrality. The study results are as follows. First, domestic taewondo research showed the knowledge structure on the basis of ‘training’, ‘athlete’, ‘satisfaction’, and ‘performance’ keywords. It was also identified that the ‘leadership’ and ‘trust’ related research of ‘coach/leader’ were also the main topics of taekwondo research. Focusing on ‘performance’, ‘athlete’, and ‘training’, there were no big changes to the entire knowledge structure analyzed from the viewpoint of time series. There were shifts in research trends from which focused on ‘performance’, ‘kyorugi’, and ‘victory’ to research focusing on ‘training’, ‘satisfaction’, and ‘management’. Furthermore, there were transitions in the high ranking keywords to ‘demonstration’, ‘adult’, ‘psychological’, and ‘happiness’. The results of this study will be used to understand the knowledge structure of domestic taekwondo research, to identify the research trends, and to explore new knowledge in the field.
Analysis of the Relationship between Sports Values on Persons with Physical Disabilities and Participation in Physical Activity and Specialization of Sports Activity 지체장애인의 스포츠가치관과 생활체육 참여 및 스포츠활동 전문화의 관계분석
박수경ParkSoo-gyung , 박선향ParkSeon-hyang
56(3) 645-656, 2017
Analysis of the Relationship between Sports Values on Persons with Physical Disabilities and Participation in Physical Activity and Specialization of Sports Activity 지체장애인의 스포츠가치관과 생활체육 참여 및 스포츠활동 전문화의 관계분석
박수경ParkSoo-gyung , 박선향ParkSeon-hyang
This study analyzed the data of 206 persons with physical disabilities to clarify the relationship between sports values and participation in physical activity and specialization of sports activity. The results are as follows. First, analysis of sports values on persons with physical disabilities and participation in physical activity, the sub-variables of sports value, social value and physical value were significant differences in participation in physical activity and knowledge value, economic value, political value were no significant differences in participation in physical activity. Second, economic value, physical value, political value were significant differences in specialization of sports activity and knowledge value, social value were no significant differences in specialization of sports activity. Third, participation in physical activity on persons with physical disabilities were significant differences in specialization of sports activity. These results indicate that the sports values on persons with physical disabilities can increase participation in physical activity and specialization of sports activity and that the more active the participation in physical activity, the more the specialization of sports activities. Therefore, educational methods should be prepared for the improvement of professional knowledge of sport for persons with physical disabilities participating in physical activity.
Key Words
스포츠가치관, 생활체육 참여, 스포츠활동 전문화, 지체장애인, sports values, participation in physical activity, specialization of sports activity, persons with physical disabilities
The Effects of Physical Activities of Disabled Men with Stroke on Depression and Suicidal Ideation 남성 뇌졸중 장애인의 신체활동이 우울감 및 자살생각에 미치는 영향
김춘종KimChun-jong , 구교만KooKyo-man
56(3) 657-664, 2017
The Effects of Physical Activities of Disabled Men with Stroke on Depression and Suicidal Ideation 남성 뇌졸중 장애인의 신체활동이 우울감 및 자살생각에 미치는 영향
김춘종KimChun-jong , 구교만KooKyo-man
The purpose of this study is to provide basic data to improve the mental health of disabled people with stroke by analyzing the effects of physical activities of disabled men with stroke on depression and suicidal ideation. To accomplish the purpose, 2007-2015 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) data were analyzed. The variables of the study included participation in the physical activity by type, depression lasting for more than 2 weeks, and suicidal ideation in the past 1 year. For data analysis, SPSS 18.0 program was used, and complex sample design frequency analysis and logistic regression analysis were performed. The statistical significance level was set at p < .05. The results of the study are as follows. First, the disabled men with stroke who did not participate in the flexibility exercise were less likely to experience depression than those who participated in the flexibility exercise. Second, the disabled men with stroke who did not participate in the walking exercise were more likely to experience depression than those who participated in the walking exercise. Therefore, in order to reduce the depression of disabled men with stroke, the walking exercise needs to be recommended, and upon doing the flexibility exercise, efforts to reduce depression need to be made together.
A Study on the Verification of the Model of a Preservice PE Teacher’s Self-efficacy on Teaching Behavior by Disability Types 장애유형별 지도행동에 대한 예비체육교사의 자기효능감 모형 검증
A Study on the Verification of the Model of a Preservice PE Teacher’s Self-efficacy on Teaching Behavior by Disability Types 장애유형별 지도행동에 대한 예비체육교사의 자기효능감 모형 검증
The purpose of this study is to verify positively if the model of a preservice PE teacher’s self-efficacy on teaching behavior by disability types suggested by measuring a preservice PE teacher’s self-efficacy in Korea. To verify positively if the model of a preservice PE teacher’s self-efficacy on teaching behavior by disability types is applicable, SPSS 21.0 is employed to perform frequency analysis on demographical characteristics, and to verify validity in collected data, exploratory factor analysis is done, and for reliability verification, Cronbach’s α is used, and the statistically significant level (p) is fixed as .05. Also, Amos 20.0 Program is used to conduct confirmatory factor analysis to verify independency among variables and the model to be measured. About study subjects, students of physical education attending universities in Korea are set as its population, and among them, 383 ones chosen through convenience sampling from sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have taken courses related with education for the handicapped are selected. The results are the following. First, according to the result of conducting confirmatory factor analysis on the model of a preservice PE teacher’s self-efficacy over intellectually disabled students, it has been found to be appropriate. Second, according to the result of conducting confirmatory factor analysis on the model of a preservice PE teacher’s self-efficacy over physically disabled students, it has been found to be appropriate. Third, according to the result of conducting confirmatory factor analysis on the model of a preservice PE teacher’s self-efficacy over visually impaired students, it has been found to be appropriate.
Key Words
장애유형, 예비체육교사, 자기효능감모형, mode of self-efficacy, teaching behavior, disability types
Validation of Infants’ Perceptual and Motor Ability Test Tool Applying Rasch Model Rasch모형을 적용한 유아용 지각-운동능력 검사도구의 타당화
윤지운YoonJiwun , 최창환ChoiChang-hwan
56(3) 677-687, 2017
Validation of Infants’ Perceptual and Motor Ability Test Tool Applying Rasch Model Rasch모형을 적용한 유아용 지각-운동능력 검사도구의 타당화
윤지운YoonJiwun , 최창환ChoiChang-hwan
The purpose of this study is to verify the possibility of the generalization of the use of PaMA(Perceptual and Motor Ability) test which was developed by Yoon(2015) to evaluate infants’ perceptual and motor ability. Thus, this study is a follow-up research of Yoon(2015). To achieve the purpose this study, 451 infants aged from 4 to 7 were chosen as research subjects. To verify the generalization of PaMA test, 451 infants were randomly divided into two samples(reference group, comparison group). The samples from the reference group were aimed to identify the characteristics of the test and those of comparison group were used to confirm that the test results are stable with different samples. The item fit, item difficultly, point-biserial correlation, and dif(differential item function) of different ages were identified by applying many-facets Rasch model. Facets 3.61 program was used to analyze the data, and all the statistical significance level were adjusted as α=.05. The study results are as follows. First, the characteristic of PaMA test is that the older the infants get, the more perceptual and motor ability develop, which is theoretically valid. Second, the results of PaMA test function stably even if the subjects change. As a result, PaMA test is regarded as a valid tool to evaluate perceptual and motor ability of infants.
Key Words
유아용, 지각-운동능력, 타당도, Rasch모형, PaMA, Infant, Perceptual and Motor Ability test, Validation, Rasch-model